I think about you constantly, whether it's with my mind or my heart. ~ Albany Bach Reid

Thursday, November 27, 2008

CPR. Now.

One fine beautiful morning about 3 days ago, as I was juggling a file and my overstuffed attaché case at the entrance, I heard a frantic voice calling after me, “Panjang umur haa. Tunggu! Tunggu! Ada surat!”

I stopped dead in my track, smiling simply waiting for the sweet girl skipping towards me. Right after exchanging few hellos and 'have-you-heard's and also some juicy yakkin' on the side (she's our CNN over here..lol), I carried all the stuffs back to my office.

My eyes nearly popped out as I read the letter;

Pelantikan Sebagai Juruacara Seminar Antarabangsa Bahasa Melayu Dalam Komunikasi Era Globalisasi

Dengan segala hormatnya Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Wilayah Timur dengan kerjasama Universiti Malaysia Terengganu akan menganjurkan seminar tersebut di atas pada 1-3 Disember 2008.....

Da hell? Braincheck... Ookay let see, Datuk Seri Utama Dr. Rais Yatim's going to be there on the 2nd, right. Alright. Take it easy, Suria. Breathe in, breathe out.

This has got to be a joke. Err.. right?

Then I just lost it.


Unknown said...

Dear Suria...

Wish you all the best, definitely you'll be doing great. I bet ya.

heliocentrism said...

Youre sweet, thanks Azah. am dreading the whole episode to soon knock some sense into my brain. Scary you! auw

izah hamid said...

congrats chuya!

heliocentrism said...

Thanks Fizah @ must I say, Jaja.. hehe (new nick there uh?).. Its nothing really.cume ade sikit ketaq..

Anonymous said...

congrats cuya....
u r shooting to the star babeh...(euwww, such a lame line...hahaha,nway i really meant it) glad to know that u r doing good...that's my fren...yeyeh...

supports u 100% preserving the turtles....n i'm the 515 to signed the petition..go green...

Anonymous said...

i want more!!! hell good writer...keep on rocking hehehe... ferdelaila

heliocentrism said...

Anonymous aka Ezie (thanks for letting me knoe on the phone that this is you),

Thanks for dropping by babe. Means alot. You knoe Ive missed you. he he

Anonymous aka ferdelaila,

Thank you for reading my entries. Am so flattered. Big time. Ill try to keep on writing.. he he