I think about you constantly, whether it's with my mind or my heart. ~ Albany Bach Reid

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Of Love And Friendship.

I've just shed some tears. So yeah, twice this month. I came across this video and half way through, my tears were running down my cheeks. 'Cos it's simply beautiful.


Just look at the way the lion ran to the guys. How breathtakingly indescribable. Even an animal knows the meaning of love, friendship and gratitude.

One of the guys said that;

We called him and he stood up and started to walk towards us very slowly. Then, as if he had become convinced it was us, he ran towards us, threw himself on to us, knocked us over, knocked George over and hugged us, like he used to, with his paws on our shoulders.

Auww. You can read more about this incredible story here.

O boy. I'm still crying.


umm ruman said...

Dear Suria,

Watching this clip brings tears in my eyes. It's damn hard to find a true friendship, sometimes out of no where when many important events came knocking in your life at one time and unfortunately at that particular moment you completely forgot to wish your friend happy birthday. It jeopardize the friendship. I lost the friendship thou..The tiger set a good example for us...

heliocentrism said...

Dear Blood Sugar,

Hello there. Thanks for dropping by. Really cool+sweet vid ey?

I do believe that a true friendship is indeed hard to find, but when we are lucky enough, we'll have someone to lean on. Someone to share our ups and downs, but yeah.. that's rare.

I've always thought of friendship as a distinctively personal relationship that is grounded in a concern of each friend for the welfare of the other, for the other's sake, and that involves some degree of intimacy.

But surely my dear, forgeting someone's birthday (especially when it's unintentionally), is forgivable and perhaps not a reason strong enough to lose a great deal of a friendship?

Oh well.. we are just humans after all, right?