I think about you constantly, whether it's with my mind or my heart. ~ Albany Bach Reid

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Use of Pharmocogenomics Towards Therapeutic Strategies

Little I know about science. ('cept that if you're sick, you need to gulp down Soluable or go to a doctor who charges you abit more that he should for a 5 minutes consultation and drug prescription. Science what.)


So yeah, little I know about science. Here's the drill. Yesterday we had a guest. Expensively invited for the sake of the beauty of genomic studies, Prof. Therwarth, Head of Faculty Medicine, University of Paris, France. Okay. Let me be honest. I expected a hunky French dude;tall dark handsome. The whole over-the-top male spesies (well like y'all, we got it all from movies). French guy, French toast, French kiss.. now, stop. lol.

I was early, pretty much one of the early birds in the auditorium anticipating his speech. Bet they all, especially the girls were wondering. And hoping.

And we were frustrated. Big time.

He's not the French guy I've been looking for all my life (bit melodramatic here so bear with me). He's old. Has trusted-out-ready-to-burst tummy. Strange accent; dual nationality French & Indian. Go figure.

He's definitely not my cup of tea. And bet not other's. Except for his wife. Ha ha.

But he is good. Super good researcher. He showed all these cool pictures of molecules and genes and cells and god-knows what else is there. A recipient of several international awards and has been cited by all the taikos in the world of medicine.

I tried my best putting up my you-know-it look pasted on my face. And it worked,I guess because the fella next to me kept nodding at me, as if saying 'Heavy weight guy there uh.. both of us should worship the path he walks on..'. Seriously, all that I can remember right now, he said something bout vaccine and molecular genetics of human cell transformation. And AIDS.

So yeah. 'Use of Pharmocogenomics Towards Therapeutic Strategies'.


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