I think about you constantly, whether it's with my mind or my heart. ~ Albany Bach Reid

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Live the moment.

I was in the toilet today, minding my own business when that sweet, 40-something lady cleaner was sweeping the floor outside my cubicle, and singing to herself, loudly, but melodiously. Right that minute I had the (quickly repressed) impulse to sing along. And to be exact, she was singing a raya song, the one by Rahimah Rahim.

I was feeling somewhat care free, and the idea of joining in her singing came both from a sense of the humor of the situation, as well as a desire to entertain if not her, myself.

Now I realize that if I had sung along with the lady, it would have been unconventional. But there are free spirits in the world. Had I given reign to my impulse, could it not be considered free-spirited? My mother, after all, would walk along the street by herself, singing. Geez..she would even dance if she’s in the mood. Lol.

Am I a free-spirit? Probably yes (don’t even bother ask my close buddies, they’d call me overly so-called care-free), although it's practically quite impossible to know for sure since for much of my life, my true personality was either concealed by coyness and hesitation, or pretty much total surrender depends on the circumstances.

There I was; standing still listening to her singing, once or twice had her voice cracked yet she was indeed relishing her moment in her own way. And listening to her, made me feel good. Simply.

A remembrance to live the moment. Whoever you are.

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