I think about you constantly, whether it's with my mind or my heart. ~ Albany Bach Reid

Monday, February 23, 2009

So what

I’ve learned something new today;

Some people can’t stand happy people.

Maybe it’s jealousy. Maybe it’s detestation, I don’t know. What I’ve been informed is that, some people don’t feel good about themselves when they come across happy jolly people.


It is such a shame. Their loss. Big time.

I mean, we should be surrounded by happy, positive-minded people most of the time right, in order to live life and maybe at least feel good about ourselves.

That simple.

But you see, that’s life. We can never be sure we can avoid bumping or making friends with these people who might be suffering (who knows right) from depression where they are pretty much resentful and a little jealous seeing other people have abit of fun and be happy.

So what if lately I look all glowy and radiant and in high spirit?


So what..?!


umm ruman said...

Aha! This is very interesting subject dear Suria, I could never agree with you more on this.

I came across with these types of people (over-bearing jealousy and hypocrite)and they are very annoying as a matter of fact they will do almost about anything just to make sure our face slam down on the ground.

Who cares right? as long as we are happy and I am so happy for you as you are now glowing and radiantly in love. Show to them, flaunt your happiness.

Go girl!

intoxicated_lover said...


I've come across this kind of people all my life but recently, it has come to its worse.

Aku menderita laa duk kat kuantan ni huhuhu tolonnnnnn....

Only God knows how i need a friend who can be genuinely happy for my happiness..minus all the dengkis2 and balas2 dendams and ngumpats2 blakang and buruks2kan or gerams2 huhu...

heliocentrism said...

Dear Azah,

Yeah. Youre so right. Who cares.

But now I also know that maybe in some way, I should be more sensitive about other's feelings, maybe? Gees.

Btw, thanks. I'm happy that you're happy that I'm happy. So happy! he he

heliocentrism said...

Dear Cyeda,

It's hilarious right. These kinda people think they're in some way left behind or maybe missing something in life when seein' others happy.

I mean come on. We're not in high school anymore, right. Ntah ape2.

So be cool, babe. Biase la org berhati busyuk nih. hehehehe..