I think about you constantly, whether it's with my mind or my heart. ~ Albany Bach Reid

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Everyone has flaws. Deal with it.

I believe I, like most of us, have pretty high expectations of the people I intermingle with. Since yesteryears, I've built up this framework of decrees and morals that I expect them to follow, because those are the matters I myself try to follow.

But I think this is so naive. So so unbelievably raw. ‘Cos most people just do whatever the heck they want.

And if my interests, my stands happen to conflict with theirs ... well too bad for me. This seems to be the case even if they're people who appear to really like me and show loyalty.

People, whether they’re work colleagues, buddies, your loved ones; they choose to be egocentric. Being totally unacquainted of other people’s feelings as long as theirs are protected.

So I guess it’s crystal clear that the people we share things or ideology or emotion or anything for that matter with aren't angels or whatever close to being angels. They're not born particularly good or noble. Far from it. I've learned that now.

They're all flawed to some extent, just like you and me.

Everyone is. Period.

Just deal with it.

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