I think about you constantly, whether it's with my mind or my heart. ~ Albany Bach Reid

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Death. In Ramadan.

Today I received shocking sad news via Facebook. My old friend back in primary school just passed away. Khalis succumbed after a courageous fight against leukemia.

I wrote about another dear, special friend of mine a couple of years ago who died of leukemia. You may read it here if you like. Am going down memory lane for awhile here. May Allah grant Afifi Jannatul Firdous and may Allah grant comfort to his family and friends. Ameen.

We were together in the same class from standard 1 until 5 Anggerik (happened to be the first class (performance in studies basis) out of 6 classes. Yikes. I am being ridiculously pompous now. Stop. ) He left us at the early year of standard 5 though and got transferred to Sekolah Rantau Petronas in Kerteh.

Khalis was a smart boy. He was always number one and I remember once when the three of us; me, Cheok and him making bets behind the stage before taking our small, cute trophy. It’s a custom in any school I think to reward their students for getting number 1, 2 and 3 out of all students of the same level. I can’t remember exactly what the bet was though. Come on! I was in primary school, man.

Here’s another blurry incident involving him in Makmal KH (Kemahiran Hidup). Something happened and he was in pain and our dashing teacher at the time, Cikgu Mobeen came to the rescue. I guess it got to do with some of the devices there.

It was long, long time ago. Still, his lost sent a shock to all of us.

Death is indeed a strange thing. Everyone will experience it, yet everyone goes in disbelief when it happens to one of us. The ones that we know.

May Allaah have mercy upon him and grant him the best of His forgiveness.


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