I think about you constantly, whether it's with my mind or my heart. ~ Albany Bach Reid

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I've had it. A buddy kept asking for the title of the song after listening to it for the very first time on Sinar.fm. I was quiet at first, trying to recall the title for I know the song. There's someone who loves the song, well.. maybe he still loves it, or maybe not. I have no idea. Aanyway, the minute I remembered, I logged on and surfed through Youtube then walla.

There you have it, pal. (*from now on, if you're dying to listen to it, after waiting and waiting for Sinar to play it again, just go to Mas Tulen.. I'll try to download later. Gess).

So yeah, it's called Teman by Lovehunters (back in the 80s Singaporean band). Cool vocal I must say. The pics are rather ..eer.. flowery but the main focus is the song ok. Lol.

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