I think about you constantly, whether it's with my mind or my heart. ~ Albany Bach Reid

Monday, April 12, 2010


I promised myself before that I won't make this blog as a platform for a total expression of feelings. Instead, I've turned it to a personal rack of collection of songs that I currently listen to. Which I think some how reflects a certain degree of emotional shout outs.

Things are going smoothly lately, for those who are wondering (and no, am still keeping and running Of Mas Tulen and Honey ). Things are good. And most of them are created out of changes and adjustment. 'Cos that's what we do as humans. We adapt to changes and adjustments.

I've missed out some things. At the same time, I am missing some things as well. Such a shame.

Aaanyways. I first heard this song while I was on my usual route coming home from work in Dungun. Of late, I rarely have my radio blasted on like I used to, and then that one particular day, my finger pushed the radio button on and there you might have guessed it, this song was aired. And I was stuck. Up until this very moment. Tomorrow is a different story.

Have a go at it (if you haven't, I mean). I won't babble about how this song affects me in some ways or anything.


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