I think about you constantly, whether it's with my mind or my heart. ~ Albany Bach Reid

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Of chirping birds and dancing butterflies

It’s been awhile since I felt so happy. Yeah, I’ll just use the word ‘happy’ there. ‘Cos happy is what I am right now. It’s been awhile alright. Then today happened. I smiled and smiled. I guess I’ll start writing again.

Hold on. The way I put it seems like I only write when I am happy. That’s not the case. There was a shortage of entries starting this year due to work and I have to say, life. Deep down I must add that I didn’t write because I was afraid that I might say things that I might regret because some occasions that happened clearly didn’t bring me joy.

Yet again, today happened.

Plus with the help of Elviza with her latest entry on Why I Write, I aim to simply continue expressing my thoughts and whatnot here. Most of her reasons are the reasons I write. For instance, to mend a scarred heart ‘cos writing has its beautiful way to heal that aching twitches which I sometimes become so irritated with myself for letting the twitches control my emotion.

Today, I learned the true meaning of appreciating others.

A wise man said, appreciate those who appreciate you. I’ve noticed that we as human beings feel some kind of joy when people especially our loved ones are thoughtful and appreciative. It means that some mutual understandings occur.

A simple as that.

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