I think about you constantly, whether it's with my mind or my heart. ~ Albany Bach Reid

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Another scar.

Dear Diary,

It's been awhile, I know. I didn't get to visit often, and believe me when I say that I've tried.

Of late, people are making assumptions. They like to have some rather fascinating ideas of their own that they somehow 'know' me. It is quite nerve-wrecking and funny and scary all jumbled up at once, a mixed feeling. I've been trying to ignore the constant so called concerns of them over me, yet to simply brush everything off is a mission impossible. Theories and speculations which some are beyond words and some simply suck the air out of you; suffocating.

Simplest example would be on why I haven't posted anything. I never thought that my pieces of thoughts here gave them ideas on how I live my life as a whole, on how I succumb to relationships or even the way I think. How bizarre.

But those assumptions mean nothing to me. I mean not as much to what am about to spill.

This one theory that some have projected about me has embarked on a higher scale, testing my little patience. Last 12th of August 2010, would be one of the days that I can never erase. A day which it gives me more insights on human characters. It felt like a wound. But you might say that a wound heals and I couldn't agree more.

However, it will stay and trust me, it leaves a mark so deep. It's like a scar that reminds you of things people could do just to hurt you.

Yet I soar. So high up to the sky.


Mama Alaha said...

be strong k cuya. i can always be the bahu to cry on ^_^

heliocentrism said...

Thanks babe. You know how it affected me, right. Urgh! Tapi takpe, I've matured.

aris said...

what happened to u sis? are u ok?

heliocentrism said...

Is that you safree? Lol (wow. you know the existence of mas tulen. Welcome2)

Am ok. Thanks.

You who can be categorized as psychology taiko, may get the idea on how assumptions burn.